08 November 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk in Burrel

 GAD in Burrel collaborated with Alternativa 3, a local womens organization,  and the local Health Promotion and Education unit to hold the First Annual Breast Cancer Awareness march in Burrel.  The GAD group made a banner,  encouraged 20 other students to participate,  distributed informational pamphlets and led the march through the city.  The march began at our local museum and ended in front of the Bashkia.  The participants were greeted at the finish line by a few students selling baked goods, in hopes of raising enough money to send a few women to Tirana to get free mammograms.

Approximately 120 community members participated in the march.  The GAD group and Alternativa 3 continue to do bi-weekly baked sales to continue to reach our goal of sending a few women to Tirana to receive mammograms. They estimated that the participants distributed over 300 information
brochures during our walk!  Congratulations Bree!!!

03 November 2010

Lezhë Breast Cancer Awareness

On October 21st a breast cancer walk and information session was held by the Peace Corps volunteer Jen DeAngelis and local counterparts in Lezha, Albania. They used their GAD small grant award to create and produce promotional materials, ribbons, a banner, and refreshments. Many local students and health professionals attended the event. Also, both students and women attended a class on breast cancer basics at the Cultural Palace. We had a wonderful oncologist (Bardha Gjoni) lead the session and demonstrate a Self-Breast Exam. The activity was a huge success that both volunteer and counterparts hope will become an annual tradition.